Access System
Access System
Best prices for Access System, Time Attendance System, Bio metric System, Finger Print Reader, Proximity Card Reader, Electronics Lock, for more details call - 09810822688 or Mail -

BIOsingle fingerprint represent giant leap ahead of conventional secured access control because a person's biometrics cannot be lost or given to someone else for temporary use. The authorized user must be physically present for access to be granted. BIOsingle fingerprint recognition access control system provides the ultimate in convenience and performance for your secure facility. Users simply walk up and put their on th reader to be recognized. Our search algorithm allows for the convenien...

An electronic lock (or electric lock) is a locking device which operates by means of electric current. Electric locks are sometimes stand-alone with an electronic control assembly mounted directly to the lock. Electric locks may be connected to an access control system, the advantages of which include: key control, where keys can be added and removed without re-keying the lock cylinder; fine access control, where time and place are factors; and transaction logging, where activity is recorded. El...

Indian Barcode - Provides Proximity Card Reader. For security managers, dealers, integrators and OEMs, HID proximity cards and readers are recognized as the industry standard for physical access control. HID prox products are robust, affordable, and seamlessly integrate with access control systems. Featuring FlexSecur? security coding, the high-quality Indala line of 125 kHz Proximity readers combines intelligent programming technology with interchangeable components including uniform modul...

Fingerprint recognition has been around for quite a while and is used for many different reasons, but security and identity confirmation is the technology?s main purpose. Using biometric systems such as fingerprint readers can greatly increase the security of your electronic devices, including your personal computer, company computers and the priceless data on your devices. Laptops often come with built-in fingerprint readers so that users can make their data more secure, but not all of them. If...