Access System
Access System
Best prices for Access System, Time Attendance System, Bio metric System, Finger Print Reader, Proximity Card Reader, Electronics Lock, for more details call - 09810822688 or Mail -

StarLink Bio Star Attendance & Door Access Control System (Fingerprint + Card) With 5 Lacs Records & 10,000 User Capacity. Bio Star-09 model of door access control system is high in demand and provides audio as well as visual confirmation of the attendance. Designed using latest technology, this model is suitable for use in offices, hospitals, factories etc. The Bio Star-09 model comes with optional mode for finger, card, PIN (Personnel Identification Number) and many more. Flexibility i...

Bio-Track is one of the finest creationfrom Star Link that helps you to streamline the workforce in your company or work set up. Packed with many features that make it more reliable and versatile machine to be used for attendance system. The hand-held design of Bio-Track makes it more useful at construction sites or some other places where attendance need to be taken. This device features multiple communication modes like GRPS, Wi-fi or LAN. This device also uses data push technology that sends ...

Bio-Link is a exquisitely made versatile masterpiece and state-of-the-art from Star Link. The Bio-Link is very effective in managing attendance in small & medium set-ups, where the users are up to 100. This device comes with unmatchable features that makes it perfect in the field of access control and attendance management system. ...

Organizations of all sizes use time and attendance systems to record when employees start and stop work, and the department where the work is performed. However, it?s also common to track meals and breaks, the type of work performed, and the number of items produced. In addition to tracking when employees work, organizations also need to keep tabs on when employees are not working. Vacation time, compensation time, FMLA time, and jury duty must be recorded. Some organizations also keep detailed ...