Best Prices For Wristbands , manufacturer of wristbands, Call - 09810822688 or Mail - gm@indianbarcode.com

Print-on-demand using the color laser printer to print patient photos, color code alerts, bar codes & text directly onto the wristband. Single-piece construction allows you to print wristbands & labels from the same laser tray. ...

It's very common to see medical bracelets with "Insulin Dependent Diabetes" written on them, but to the average paramedic, those are completely useless. Diabetes is so common today that paramedics carry glucometers as a matter of course. We check blood sugar levels for hypoglycemia on every unconscious patient as part of our routine assessment. If there's a diagnosis that doesn't ever need to be on a bracelet, diabetes is it. ...

A patient wristband should maintain the integrity of the patient data and barcode during the full duration of the patient's hospital stay. To maintain durability, the product must resist moisture and chemicals, which can corrupt critical patient information. Thermal Wristbands - Snap Closure provide maximum resistance to light, moisture and the following solvents: ...

Indian Barcode manufacturer of Direct Thermal Wristband. Wristbands are designed for you to print on them on demand with a direct thermal printer. This allows you to have a security wristband right at the point of sale so it can customized uniquely for each and every customer that comes through the door. This gives you the ability to use names, linear barcodes, 2-D barcodes and more. You can also print text and some photos on the wristbands (they are black imprint only). They ar...

We are manufacturer of medical wristband. Patient wristbands, also called ID bands, provide identification for patients and may also include medical condition information through bar codes, write-on areas, and additional printing. Patient ID wristbands are available in case quantities and individually, and in a broad range of colors and sizes. These wrist bands are made in India products and vry popular across globe due to prices and quality&nb...

Child Wristband cannot only be used to keep track of your child, but it also can be used to keep track of your easily misplaced possessions. If you need to keep track of your child, an elderly loved one, pet, phone, laptop or your keys, then the Wireless Child Leash is for you. When the Wireless Child Leash wristband goes outside of the set distance the 70dB alarm will alert you wirelessly and sound an alarm on your phone. It has a two-way alarm so that your child can press one bu...