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Indianbarcode is the manufacturer and supplier of ISO Card. The ISO Card has a read range of up to 9 metres, when read by a TagMaster XT-3 Reader. Conforming to the EPC Gen2 /ISO 18000-63 standard, the ISO Card is supplied preprogrammed with locked EPC field using the TagMaster SecureMarkID®. SecureMarkID® ensures that each card is unique and guarantees that a card cannot be changed or duplicated. ...

MT412 barcode slot card series are barcode slot reader, these units are solid with stand for water and dust at grade IP54; it is special designed for industrial harshest application purpose. It can stand for water spraying and dust resistant. It is suitable for education, time attendance etc. The units have both red light and infrared light. Its advantage is allowing low speed swiping or high speed swiping. ...

A card reader is a data input device that reads data from a card-shaped storage medium. The first were punched card readers, which read the paper or cardboard punched cards that were used during the first several decades of the computer industry to store information and programs for computer systems. Modern card readers are electronic devices that can read plastic cards embedded with either a barcode, magnetic strip, computer chip or another storage medium. A memory card reader is a device used ...

A proximity card or prox card is a "contactless" smart card which can be read without inserting it into a reader device, as required by earlier magnetic stripe cards such as credit cards and "contact" type smart cards. The proximity cards are part of the contactless card technologies. Held near an electronic reader for a moment they enable the identification of an encoded number. The reader usually produces a beep or other sound to indicate the card has been read. Proximity c...

This is a simple three track magnetic card reader with serial output. This reader connects to your computer with a DB9 for serial and a PS/2 for power and outputs a 9600bps 8N1 ASCII serial stream. Plug the reader into a serial port (or USB to serial converter), swipe your frequent shopper card, and you?ll see the account number plain and unencrypted on the screen. We couldn?t find a card the reader couldn?t read. No drivers needed. No software needed. Just pure, wonderful serial. ...

A smart card, chip card, or integrated circuit card (ICC) is any pocket-sized card that has embedded integrated circuits.Smart cards are made of plastic, generally polyvinyl chloride, but sometimes polyethylene terephthalate based polyesters, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene or polycarbonate. Since April 2009, a Japanese company has manufactured reusable financial smart cards made from paper. Smart cards can be either contact or contactless smart card. Smart cards can provide personal identificat...