Barcode Mobile Computers
Barcode Mobile Computers
best prices for mobile computers, service center for barcode mobile computers, Honeywell mobile scanner, handheld readers, wireless barcode reader..

8400 Series Light Industrial Mobile Computer with Bluetooth Overview Purposely designed to improve productivity, the 8400 series puts powerful mobile applications in the hands of workers who can use this smart handheld mobile computer with fast and easy data access. Wireless communications and advanced power efficiency ensures that your work isn't interrupted by a power failure or data loss. An optimal combination of functionality, value, and features in a rugged, ergonomic form, th...

8300 Series Light Industrial Mobile Computer Overview For a rugged workhorse packed with features and value, the 8300 series is the best handheld mobile computer to carry with for the professionals in retail, healthcare, and warehousing. The 8300 series combines barcode reader options with accurate data capture, optional RFID, robust computing, and software flexibility in a cost-competitive package that will accelerate material movement and boost worker efficiency. Wireless LAN models s...

The PA-20 Portable Data Terminal (PDT) is a high performance wireless handheld mobile data capture device that scans and stores bar code data for upload to computer. The compact, industrial strength PA-20 features a superior scanner, large 16 MB RAM memory, a color display, and a bold exterior design.Bluetooth capability allows wireless communication with peripheral devices within 30 meters. The PA-20 also supports RS-232 for transmitting data to a variety of devices, as well as USB for high spe...

Models List: PA-100, PA-110 • Expansion Slot: Micro SD card (32G) • OS: Microsoft Windows CE .NET 6.0 Professional • CPU: MARVELL CPU PAX310 806 MHz ...

The Honeywell ScanPal EDA51 enterprise hybrid devicedelivers an exceptional experience for users inside four wallsthat need real-time visibility into business-critical information.Designed to handle all-day, everyday use, the ScanPal EDA51 device enables workers on the retail ?oor to access as well ascapture and send crucial business information in real time.The ScanPal EDA51 device is also an effective uni?ed communicationstool for healthcare professionals. It supports Voice over Internet Proto...

The best things come in small packages-that's why you can expect incredible productivity and great value from the 8000 series. Our pocket-sized mobile computer put fast, accurate barcode scanning and wireless communications options in your hands (and your pocket) to accelerate product ordering, item picking, route accounting, and other AIDC activities. Durable design and low cost mean you reap a lot of value over a long time-at a minimal investment. For such a small package, there's noth...