RFID Copper Fabric Blocker
-Durable (much thicker and more durable than other shielding fabrics)
-Bacteria proof, mildew proof, antimicrobial
-Anti-radiation (RF / EMI / EMF / LF blocking and earthing)
-Anti-electrostatic / ESD
-Usable in wall render or concrete
-Replaces standard reinforcement fabric to save costs
-Very easy to cut and sew
-This Creates a Conductive Grid That Corresponds to the Idea of a Faraday Cage.
Usage for Bags, Curtains, Tents, etc. Effective Shielding for CellTowers, Microwave Signals, Phones, Smart Meters, Security Systems, Radar, Military Broadcast, etc and More. Making Anti-static Cloth, Wireless Meter Shielding,
E-textiles, Shielding Curtain, EMP and EMI Radiation Reduction. High-shielding Conductive Fabric for Blocking RF Signals Such as Cell, Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS. As an Insert in the Wallet or Handbag to Protect Your Credit Cards from Data Theft.

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