HONEYWELL scanpal EDA 51 Barcode Mobile Scanner
The Honeywell ScanPal EDA51 enterprise hybrid devicedelivers an exceptional experience for users inside four wallsthat need real-time visibility into business-critical information.Designed to handle all-day, everyday use, the ScanPal EDA51 device enables workers on the retail ?oor to access as well ascapture and send crucial business information in real time.The ScanPal EDA51 device is also an effective uni?ed communicationstool for healthcare professionals. It supports Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) phone calls over hospitals’ wireless networks, saving on the costof cellular contracts. With built-in barcode scanning capability, theScanPal EDA51 device also supports point-of-care applications.Coupling an ergonomic, easy-to-use modern touchscreen designwith the latest advances in modern mobile technology, the ScanPalEDA51 device ensures maximum accessibility to coworkers andbusiness systems. From the well-received Android™ operatingsystem and a processor designed to handle the demands of frontlineusers, to robust storage capabilities and advanced data captureoptions, the ScanPal EDA51 device is ideal for many applications.The ScanPal EDA51 device is designed to withstand heavy use.Users can count on ample battery life for a full shift throughsuperior battery management, a rugged touch panel and a displaythat is easy to read inside and outside. The ergonomic designensures maximum ease of use, comfort and pocketability.

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