AM stands for Amplitude Modulation. In this page we will understand basic functions and specifications of antennas used specifically for AM antennas.
Antenna couples two wire transmission line having impedance of either 50 Ohm or 75 Ohm with air having impedance of 300 Ohm.

The above image depicts typical AM antenna of loop type used for AM wave transmission and reception. Following are the features of AM radiators or AM antenna systems.
• AM antenna systems are vertically polarized. This helps in better ground wave propagation as well as to have simple antenna design.
• The electrical length of an AM antenna is usually 90 electrical degrees which is about 1/4 of wavelength or more. This length provides adequate bandwidth and efficiency both.
Following are the typical specifications of AM antenna.
• Frequency: 520 kHz to 1700 KHz for Indoor use
• Pattern: Omni-directional
• Polarization: Vertical
• Impedance: Usually 350 Ohm for AM wire antenna, requires balloon to match impedance as desired.
• Application: In Analog TV systems to transmit picture/sound
When it comes to securing merchandise with electronic article, two major technologies rule the roost – RF and AM. Both have been widely used for years and are proven strategies to reduce retail shrink.
Contact us today for a consultation.